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Computer Security Companies: What Can They Offer Your Business?

Computer security companies are not numerous, especially outside the major cities, but they have a great deal to offer any organisation that takes information security seriously. Different companies have different emphases: one security consulting firm may concentrate on penetration testing and information security audits, while another information security company may tend to focus more on Active Directory security configuration or managed security services. But one thing that all computer security companies have in common is expertise in information security, of which computer security is only one part.

So what exactly can a computer company offer to your business? Depending on your needs and resources, you may prefer either a managed security solution (where security is outsourced to the selected information firm) or a consultancy arrangement (where the computer security firm audits your existing status and makes recommendations, while your in-house team is responsible for all computer security work). Managed security services include functions such as:

· Round-the-clock monitoring of your network, with intrusion detection and incident response services.

· Regular security audits and penetration testing.

· Firewall configuration and ongoing management.

For smaller businesses that have no dedicated in-house IT team, the managed security solution is the obvious choice. But even for larger organisations with their own computing department, it can still be preferable to outsource this function to computer security firms. This is because computing security, as against the general IT function, can be highly specialised, and not all teams will have the full range of knowledge and experience required. This is where managed security solutions can bring real value to an organisation.

In addition, the field of IT security is constantly evolving, with new threats and new technologies on a regular basis. Specialised security companies are more likely to stay current with developments, and are more likely to have access to the software and procedures needed to deal with new security situations.

A further reason for outsourcing your firm's information security to outside companies is the fact that this solution can often be cheaper than hiring an in-house team, due to economies of scale. A computer company will be able to leverage the same software and consultants for several clients, and will have standardised procedures for use over several projects. Hence the cost of these resources will be spread over several clients, so that each client pays far less than the full cost for specialist software tools and human experts.

Clearly, computer security companies can provide substantial benefits to an organisation over and above their role as consulting firms. Managed solutions are a growing field, and can offer real value to small firms and even to larger firms as well.

Harvey McEwan writes to offer information and advice on a variety of areas, from technology to holiday destinations. Read through Harvey's other articles here to find out more.