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Intruder Alarm in Information Technology

A lot of organizations today employ the use of Information Technology (IT) for their own purposes. There are some who use it for organizing their file systems, others use it for their inventory and there are some who use it to offer their services online. These systems used by different organizations worldwide are mostly connected to the internet.

Being connected to the internet provides an organization a lot of benefits. Businesses can offer their services to a wider range of clients over the internet as there need not to be a form of physical contact between them for a transaction to happen. A business may also use the internet to make themselves easier to contact via emails and advertise their products online using a website.

But with the obvious benefits of being connected to such networked IT infrastructure, of course there will be some risks. One of these risks is having valuable and confidential information stored in a computer stolen or the computer system itself be damaged. Because of the mentioned risks, a form of security should be in place to protect such assets.

The best device or software to deploy for information technology security purposes is an Intrusion Detection System (IDS). These IDSes works the same way as a burglar alarm we are familiar with. It monitors the network for malicious traffic, and should it detect one, it has the ability to generate an alert with a report that can aid in damage prevention and mitigation efforts.

IDSes also has the capability to monitor individual computers for harmful activity. This can be greatly used by different organizations to ensure that their internal policies related to IT usage is followed, IDSes can generate an alert should there be any violation of said rules and policies.

With today's trend of increasing reliance on Information Technology, care must be taken so that these new systems will be secure. The network in which the IT infrastructure is connected to and the devices that comprises the whole IT infrastructure should be properly secured. The use of IDSes is highly encourage such that there is some sort of intruder alarm that can alert respective people with the relevant information that can help generate an effective and timely response to mitigate or even prevent damage so the organization as a whole. In addition to that, IDSes can help in enforcing internal rules and policies in an organization and with the information from the reports of the IDS, one can upgrade or patch their hardware and software to make their computing environment secure.

Arnie Crisostomo has been providing helpful information regarding intruder alarms for many years. His expertise is the result of years of hands on experience in the burglar alarms business.