The image of the mall officer may come to mind when people imagine gaining a degree in security. However, security is a vast field that can have individuals working in the industry in numerous ways. An individual who has a passion for investigation, information, computers, and more can find degree programs online. Many accredited online colleges and universities offer a wide selection of security degrees for the interested student.
The basic definition of security is protection from danger, damage, and criminal activity. This definition can be applied to a wide range of jobs and careers that have educated individuals working in them. Prospective students to this industry can decide what type of degree program to enroll in based on their goals and passions for this area of work. There are numerous types of security that fall under different categories. If a student wants to work with computers they can find degrees in this area that include information security and network security. Inside the field of physical security students can enroll in programs that include airport security and school security. For those individuals who are interested in the political sector of our country degree programs can consist of homeland security and national security.
With so many options to choose from students need to decide prior to enrolling in a degree program what type of security they want to work in. This is a crucial decision because some areas of the industry require different degree levels. Careers that are more specialized will require longer study to learn all the necessary skills in order to enter that field prepared. Let's take a brief look at some of the degree options available within the industry.
For prospective students who want to enter the criminal justice field an online associate's degree is a good option to quickly enter the industry. At this level of education a student will study criminal justice and how it relates to law enforcement, courts, and corrections. After the initial courses students can choose a specialty in the field that will allow them to become corrections officers, crime scene investigators, homeland security officers, and more. Numerous entry-level jobs are available to the dedicated student who earns an associates degree in criminal justice.
For prospective students who are good with computers a degree in network security may be a good option. Through courses students will learn how to protect computer networks from outside attack from viruses and hackers. The goal is to establish a secure network for the business or organization an individual works for. This helps increase information safety and protects the company for monetary loss. Many students in this area of schooling gain a bachelor's degree, which will prepare them to step into numerous careers. These careers can include firewall administrator, information security officer, forensics specialist, and more.
Students who are interested in protecting the security of our population can gain a degree in homeland security. Individuals in this field work with the government to effectively prevent and handle the threat of terrorism. Students will learn from numerous courses how to do this. Courses can include international terrorism, cyber-terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, and more. Students can earn an associate's degree to a master's degree in this field.
Don't let your passion for security go to waste. Search out accredited online degree programs that offer training in the area you're most interested in. Enter a fulfilling career in security by enrolling in a program today.
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Renata McGee is a staff writer for Locate Online Security Schools and Colleges providing the education you're looking for at, your Partners in Education and Tuition Assistance Programs.