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Ways to Safeguard Kids From Internet Misuse

The Internet undoubtedly opened up the door for the age of information, it became accessible not only to adults but to kids as well. Thus, parents should provide a way to regulate and monitor their children's use of the net.

How then can we guard our children from exploring undesirable sites that may influence our kids in the end, how can we secure their safety when they start to venture and explore the virtual world of cyber space?

Here are some few things that parents ought to think or consider:

If they're still young to use the net, sit with them and show them the sites that are for them. Sites that are educational and at the same time they are going to enjoy and have some fun.

Talk to them and warn them that there are sites that they cannot browse with, sites that maybe harmful for them. Tell them that there are people who use the net to harm other people so it would be better if they will stay away from those sites.

It would be better if you will only allow them to open the computer when either one of you is around.

Next, it would also be better if your computer or your Service provider offers Parental control software, which you can just enable or disable when your children will be using your computer.

Teach them also to ignore those sites when confronted with aggressive or sexually explicit materials or Instant messages or chats that are offensive in nature.

Never answer or respond to abusive messages or that contains bad words or insults.

Ask them to tell you or let you know if they found something scary, threatening or confusing that are published on the net.

Most importantly, warn them not to give out personal information such as: Name and family name, address, telephone number, password, school name and address or any other information that pertains to their parents or family as a whole.

Never meet someone they just met on the net.

Never log on to websites that charges for services or asks account numbers without asking permission from you, better yet tell them not to visit such sites at all.

These are just few of what we can tell our children to be aware of. After all it is their safety we are concern about.

Joe believes in protecting children from the Internet. Please visit his website as he share more about porn blocker software [].