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Social Networking On the Move

The internet has been at your fingertips everywhere you go with your cell phone for a while. However, it is no longer just the techno-guy in your life, it is seemingly everyone. For example, the iPhone came out with the next version in early July, people stood in line for hours to make sure they got the latest and greatest. Not that the old iPhone was going to stop working, but people wanted the newest version. People I know, who have never been particularly techno-savvy were talking about how excited they were to get the new gadget. Anne Collier at hit the nail on the head - people are not carrying cell phones anymore, they are carrying full blown computers that are connected to the internet. She highlights a few statistics from Pew research:These numbers account for all cell phone owners:
* 34% record video, up from 19% (the biggest year-to-year jump: 15%)* 38% access the Net, up from 25% (the 2nd biggest jump: 13%)* 76% take photos on their phones, up from 66% a year ago (10% jump, tying with...)* 30% send/receive instant messages, up from 20% (10% jump)* 34% send/receive email, up from 25% (9% jump)* 34% play games, up from 27% (7% jump)* 72% text on phones, up from 66% (6% jump)
What does this mean for your family?

- Technology is moving faster now than ever before and people are adopting the new technology at much faster rates. Keep technology a conversation in your family, asking often how everyone in the family is using it. For example, yesterday's cell phone is today's computer.

- There are parental controls for many devices and systems. They will help, but no program is going to keep your family as safe as you will. Depending on the device and the individual child, know what they are doing any time they connect to the internet (even if it is via a cell phone).

- The social networking fad seems to be sticking around long enough to no longer be considered a "fad". Sign up to the services your kids use (or want to use). See for yourself what they want to do. You will be better suited to understand what the kids are talking about when you have gone through the process.

How has technology changed your life? Do you look forward to new techno-gadgets? Has technology changed your family in any way?

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